Chronology of Events - Reverse Order (starting with most recent):
(EM = EMail (copy of) - CL = CraigsList (copy of) - FB = FaceBook)
Oct.18 - Our Video on UNPA is now available on YouTube -
(EM = EMail (copy of) - CL = CraigsList (copy of) - FB = FaceBook)
Oct.18 - Our Video on UNPA is now available on YouTube -
Jul.13 - CL - Award winning film - WORLD VOTE NOW - public screening
Jul.10 - EM - Reply - from - The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, P.C., M.P. Minister of Foreign Affairs - in response to my UNPA Endorsement Request (template) email (see below). We are obviously going to need to do more work to convince the Federal Conservatives (who are currently running the Government of Canada) that it is in their best interest (& the country's best interest) to support and endorse the UNPA. If we are not - at the table - we might be -on the menu... and a small country like Canada (in terms of population) needs to be represented.
Jul.03 - DOC - Global Commodity Reserve - Financing the future - another discussion document submitted to WATUN (World Alliance to Transform the UN)
Jun.25 - DOC - United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) - Endorsement Request - Copy of template I am currently using to send an email to Canadian MP's & Senators who have not (yet) endorsed the UNPA
Jun.20 - DOC - Orkhon Consensus - (process to decide (how to decide) who has the "right to rule all the world") - discussion document submitted to WATUN (World Alliance to Transform the UN) on the eve of a convention in San Francisco to commemorate the 65th Anniversary of signing the UN Charter (which created the UN)
May.22 - EM - Sponsorship Opportunity for an Exciting Adventure - sent to: Amiee Chan ofNorsat International in support of the World Vote Now initiative
Mar.14 - EM - CANIMUN-Vancouver, UNPA, Aral Sea & - Plastic Shorts (giving new meaning to the term "model" United Nations)